Have You Lost Your Mind?How To take Charge again!

Let’s talk about something we all pretend isn’t happening: Your mind is out of control.

Yes, yours. Mine. Everyone’s.

You think you’re in charge, but here’s the truth: Your memory and imagination are running wild, and you’re just along for the ride.

The Eyelid Test

Close your eyes. What do you see?

If the answer is anything, you’ve got a problem.

Your eyelids are like lens caps on a camera. When you close them, the world should disappear.

But for most of us, it doesn’t. The moment we shut our eyes, the mental movie starts. Regrets from yesterday. Worries about tomorrow. Fantasies, fears, and a never-ending reel of “what ifs.”

If your mind is still running when your eyes are closed, you’ve lost control. And if you’ve lost control of your mind, let’s be honest: You should be in an asylum.

Madness of Memory and Imagination

Your mind has two superpowers: memory and imagination.

Memory lets you relive the past. Imagination lets you invent the future. But here’s the catch: If you don’t control these powers, they control you.

You’re not just remembering the past—you’re suffering it.

You’re not just imagining the future—you’re terrified of it. And in the process, you’re missing the only thing that’s real: this moment.


Let’s talk about success.

You think success is having a Mercedes while your neighbor drives a Maruti. But what if everyone had a Mercedes? Suddenly, your shiny car wouldn’t feel so special.

Here’s the truth: Your idea of success is based on comparison, not value.

You don’t care about the engine, the torque, or the technology. You care about the leather seats and the paint job. You care about how it looks to others.

But life isn’t a showroom. It’s a machine. And if you don’t understand how it works, you’ll crash.

Neighbor’s Opinion

Why do you care so much about what others think?

Because your eyes are open, and your mind is still running. You’re so busy comparing yourself to others that you’ve forgotten to live your own life.

Your neighbor’s opinion shouldn’t determine your happiness. But for most of us, it does.

Take Back Your Mind

Here’s how to stop losing your mind:

  1. Close Your Eyes and See Nothing
    Practice shutting off the mental movie. When you close your eyes, let the world disappear.
  2. Stop Comparing
    Your neighbor’s life isn’t your benchmark. Your success isn’t measured by what others have.
  3. Understand the Machine
    Life isn’t about the paint job. It’s about the engine. Learn how it works.


You haven’t lost your mind. You’ve just forgotten how to use it.

Your mind is a tool, not a tyrant. Take control of your memory and imagination, and you’ll stop suffering the past and fearing the future.

And the next time you close your eyes, remember: The world should disappear. If it doesn’t, you’ve got work to do.

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