Does Morality Work?

Let’s talk about something that’s been sold to us as the ultimate solution to all our problems: morality.

We’ve been told that if we just follow the rules, if we just do the “right” thing, everything will fall into place. But here’s the hard truth: morality doesn’t work.

And deep down, you know it.

Problem with Morality

Morality has become a big deal in our society. But do you know why? Because we’ve forgotten our humanity.

That’s right. Morality is just a substitute—a Band-Aid slapped over a gaping wound.

When people stop being human, when they stop feeling, caring, and connecting, we try to fix it with rules. But rules don’t heal. They divide.

Think about it. Every person has their own version of what’s “right” and “wrong.” Your morality clashes with someone else’s, and suddenly, you’re at war. Families fight. Communities split. Nations go to war. All in the name of being “right.”

But here’s the kicker: there’s no universal right or wrong. It doesn’t exist.

The Righteous Trap

Have you noticed how righteous people always seem to be trouble?

They’re so sure of their morals, so convinced they’re right, that they end up judging everyone else. And when you start thinking, “Nobody is okay,” you’ve got a problem.

That’s not morality. That’s the first step toward insanity.

Morality doesn’t bring people together. It tears them apart. It creates sects, factions, and divisions.

And the worst part? Even you don’t fit into your own morality. You bend it, twist it, and subvert it when it suits you.

Admit it. We all do.

The Substitute for Humanity

Here’s the real issue: we’ve replaced humanity with morality. Instead of stirring up the innate goodness within people, we’ve handed them rulebooks.

But rules can’t make you human. They can’t make you care. They can’t make you feel.

And so, we end up with a world full of people who are “moral” but utterly disconnected from their own humanity. They follow the rules, but they don’t know how to be kind. They judge others, but they don’t know how to love.

Is that the world we want?

A Sensible Alternative

Instead of trying to be right, why don’t we try to be sensible?

Sensibility isn’t about rules. It’s about context. It’s about understanding the realities of the moment and responding in a way that brings well-being—not just for yourself, but for everyone around you.

Life isn’t static. It’s constantly changing. And if you’re stuck in a rigid moral framework, you’ll always be out of sync. You’ll look archaic, outdated, like you’re from another time.

Even your own children will wonder, “Why are you still alive?”

A Call to Humanity

What we need isn’t more morality. What we need is more humanity.

We need to wake up to the fact that all our experiences—our joys, our pains, our conflicts—are generated from within. They’re not imposed by some external rulebook. They’re created by us.

And if we want to change the world, we have to start with ourselves.

  1. Stop Judging.
    Let go of the need to be right. It’s not serving you.
  2. Be Sensible.
    Ask yourself: “What’s the most sensible thing to do in this moment?”
  3. Stir Up Your Humanity.
    Connect. Feel. Care. That’s where real change begins.

Why Morality Doesn’t Work

Morality doesn’t work because it’s a substitute for something far more powerful: your humanity.

Rules can’t fix the world. But people can.

So, the next time you’re tempted to judge, to moralize, to be “right,” pause. Ask yourself: “Am I being human?”

Because in the end, that’s all that matters.

P.S. Humanity isn’t a rule. It’s a choice. Choose wisely.

Also Read:

Do Good and Evil Exist? The Truth Beyond Morality and Labels

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