How To Stop Overthinking?

Hey everyone, let’s talk about something we all struggle with at some point—overthinking.

You know that endless loop of thoughts that drains your energy and leaves you feeling exhausted?

Some call this mental diarrhea. And just like physical diarrhea weakens your body, mental diarrhea weakens your mind and spirit.

Here’s the thing: when your mind is constantly churning with thoughts, it’s like eating bad food and then wondering why you feel sick.

You can’t stop the diarrhea without first stopping the bad food. Similarly, you can’t stop overthinking without addressing what’s feeding it.

So, what’s the “bad food” for the mind? It’s identification.

We constantly identify ourselves with things we are not—our jobs, relationships, possessions, emotions, and even our thoughts. We say, “I am this, I am that,” and the mind starts running endlessly, trying to process all these false identities. This is mental diarrhea.

But here’s the good news: you can stop it. And it doesn’t require complicated techniques or hours of meditation. It’s about dis-identifying.

A Simple Practice to Stop Overthinking

Tonight, before you go to bed, try this:

  1. Sit on your bed and take a few deep breaths.
  2. Start discounting everything that is not you. Ask yourself:
  • Is this house me? No.
  • Are my parents, spouse, or children me? No.
  • Are my clothes me? No.
  • Is my body me? No.
  • Are my thoughts me? No.
  • Are my emotions me? No.
  1. Let go of all these identifications. Keep them down, and then go to bed.

When you wake up, you’ll feel lighter, more intense, and more alive. Do this every night, and over time, you’ll notice a profound shift in your energy and clarity.

Why This Works

When you stop identifying with things that are not you, your mind naturally becomes still.

It’s like calming a jumping hand—you realize the ailment (overthinking) comes from feeding the mind the wrong “food.”

By dis-identifying, you stop the mental diarrhea and allow your natural energy to flow freely.

Many wise teachers have shared that the key to inner peace is not identifying with anything—not your relationships, possessions, or even your own body.

Yet, you can still be deeply involved in life. This lack of identification allows you to conserve your energy and become intensely present.

Final Thought

Overthinking isn’t just a mental habit; it’s an energy leak.

When you stop feeding your mind with false identities, you’ll find that you have more than enough energy to live vibrantly.

So tonight, before you sleep, take a few moments to dis-identify. Let go of what’s not you, and watch how your life transforms.

Remember, it’s not about finding the “right rock” or the perfect technique.

It’s about understanding what’s you and what’s not you. When you do that, your mind will stop jumping, and you’ll experience the intensity and clarity that’s already within you.

Try it tonight. You’ve got nothing to lose but your mental diarrhea. 😊

Let me know how it goes!

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