Let’s get real. Bullying isn’t just a schoolyard problem. It’s a global epidemic. From playgrounds to boardrooms, from nations to neighborhoods, the strong prey on the weak. And we’ve normalized it.
Here’s the uncomfortable truth: Bullying isn’t an anomaly. It’s a symptom of a broken system.
The World We’ve Built: A Playground for Bullies
We’ve structured society around exclusivity.
- Commercial Forces: They scream, “You’re special! You’re unique! You’re better!”
- Social Hierarchies: The powerful dominate the powerless. The rich exploit the poor.
- Cultural Narratives: Winners take all. Losers are forgotten.
Exclusivity breeds bullying. And bullying? It’s everywhere.
The Bully in All of Us
Let’s not kid ourselves. We’ve all played the bully—or been bullied.
- At Work: The boss who micromanages. The colleague who takes credit.
- At Home: The parent who controls. The sibling who belittles.
- In Society: The politician who divides. The influencer who shames.
Bullying isn’t just physical. It’s emotional, psychological, systemic.
Why We Celebrate Bullies
Here’s the kicker: We reward bullying.
- In schools, the “popular” kids often rule through fear.
- In workplaces, the “alpha” leaders climb by stepping on others.
- In politics, the loudest voices drown out reason.
We’ve confused dominance with leadership. And it’s costing us everything.
The Real Solution: Inclusiveness
Bullying thrives on division. The antidote? Inclusiveness.
- Inclusiveness isn’t a slogan. It’s a way of life.
- Inclusiveness isn’t a philosophy. It’s a practice.
- Inclusiveness isn’t optional. It’s essential.
When we see life as interconnected, bullying loses its power.
How to Build an Inclusive World
- Start Small: Include the excluded. Listen to the silenced.
- Teach Empathy: Show children that strength lies in lifting others, not pushing them down.
- Reward Compassion: Celebrate leaders who lead with heart, not ego.
Be the Change
Today, try this:
- Spot the Bully: Notice where you—or others—are excluding or dominating.
- Choose Inclusion: Reach out to someone on the margins. Offer kindness, not judgment.
- Lead Differently: Use your power to uplift, not oppress.
Remember: Bullying isn’t inevitable. It’s a choice. And so is inclusiveness.
The next time you see someone being pushed down, ask yourself: “Will I be the hand that lifts them up?”